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Bryce and 3D Space
Since all the objects in your scene exist in 3D space (defined by XYZ), any transformation you perform is a 3D transformation. This means that you're changing the attributes of the object in each axis.
Bryce has three ways of defining 3D space: World Space, which is constant, Object Space, which changes as the object changes and Camera Space, which changes as the camera changes.
When you're using the interactive transform tools on the Edit palette you can use any one of the 3D space definitions. Refer to "Transformation Tools" for more on using these tools.
World Space
World Space is the coordinate system that defines all the space in the Bryce universe. It is constant and cannot be modified. It is also the default space used for transformations.
World Space is defined by three axes, X, Y and Z, that all meet at world center. This center is defined numerically as 0, 0, and 0 for the X, Y and Z axes. By default, all new objects appear at world center.
The Y axis that extends from world center defines all vertical space. Positive values represent distances above ground level and negative values represent distances below ground. The X axis represents distances left and right and the Z axis represents distances backward and forward.
World Space is defined by three axes that extend infinitely from a center point called world center.
When you use World Space for transformations, objects move in relation to this absolute coordinate system.
When you transform objects in relation to World Space, they move along the three absolute axes.
Object Space
When Bryce creates an object, it defines the up, down, right, left, back and front of the object. These definitions remain with the object no matter what transformations you apply to it. So in a sense, each object carries with it its own coordinate system.
Object space is defined by three axes that extend from the center of the object.
When you transform an object using Object Space, the object moves in relation to its internal coordinate system. For example, you can increase the height of an object based on its own Y axis.
When you transform an object using Object Space, it moves along an axis that extends from its center, not an absolute axis.
Because Object Space ignores the absolute coordinates, the object becomes taller without being skewed. If you used World Space, the object would become deformed since it increases along the absolute Y axis.
This is an example of an object transformed using World Space and then using Object Space.
Camera Space
Camera Space is defined by three axes, X, Y and Z, that extend from the camera center. Wherever you move the camera, these axes move along with it.
Camera Space is defined by three axes that extend from the center of the camera.
When you use Camera Space for transformations, you're moving objects in relation to the camera. When you drag along the X axis in Camera Space, you're moving left or right from the camera. When you move along the Y axis in camera space, you're moving up or down from the camera. When you move along the Z axis, you're moving away or towards the camera.
Since the camera can be rotated and repositioned, it can sometimes be hard to tell which way is up, left or right, because your view from the camera is no longer aligned to the absolute XYZ axes.
Suppose you've rotated the camera and then you move an object along the Y axis in World Space. Instead of moving up, it may appear to move off to the left, since your view of the scene is not aligned to the World Space Y axis. However, in Camera Space, the object will move up, because the object moves along the camera's Y axis.
When you transform objects using Camera Space, they move along an axis that extends from the center of the camera.
To choose a 3D spatial option for transformations:
1 Click the Edit button at the top of the Bryce window to display the Edit palette.
2 Click the triangle icon below one of the transformation tools and choose a 3D spatial option from the menu.
Bryce Units
Bryce maintains an invisible, absolute, infinite 3D grid internally. This grid is comprised of 3D cube increments, each of which is 20.48 x 20.48 x 20.48 "Bryce units" in size. All primitive objects (spheres, cubes, etc.) are created at the same size as a 3D cube increment (20.48 x 20.48 x 20.48) called unity.
All interactive 3D transformations are relative to an absolute (unity) size, position, and orientation for all objects.
To reset primitive objects to unity:
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